Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Communication

1. What we will learn from this project:

a) what effective communication involves and how to convey a message to an audience
b) to speak Japanese more comfortably and more naturally
c) how to work together as a team while using a different language, i.e. how to communicate amongst ourselves, not just with our audience
d) how to deal with and appreciate constructive criticism
e) how technology influences communication--we will have to figure out how to use filming equipment and editing software to our advantage, to help us convey our message

2. What communication represents to me:

I see communication as something that should not be unilateral. Communication is not just about telling something what you want to say; it is about trying to understand where they are coming from as well, and trying to make sure that they are understanding what you are saying. Obviously, when making a podcast, it is not possible to have a direct dialogue with the audience. However, we should do our best as we make our podcast to try and predict what parts will seem confusing, or what parts the audience might be interested in.


  1. BTW your blog's awesome~ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!

  2. I agree that communication should be unilateral!! Though communication is not easy sometimes, tokuni watashini, it is significant!!
